:Base msn.hlp>proc4 :Title The Microsoft Network Help :Index MSN Bulletin Board Help=msnbbs.hlp :Index MSN Chat Help=msnchat.hlp :Index MSN Mail Help=msnmail.hlp :Index MSN Internet Help=msnint.hlp :Index Common Help=common.hlp :Index MSN Member Support Help=msnpss.hlp :Link windows.hlp ; needed for troubleshooters 1 Introducing The Microsoft Network 2 What you can do on MSN=WhatIsMarvel@msnint.hlp>overview 2 How to find services=AccessMethods@msn.hlp>overview 2 Where to learn more about MSN=WhenNeedHelp@msn.hlp>overview 2 How MSN works=HowMSNWorks@msn.hlp>overview 2 Becoming a Member 3 Signing up to become a member=SigningUp@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Member ID and password guidelines=IDPasswordGuidelines@msn.hlp>overview 3 Understanding the billing statement=UnderstandingBilling@msn.hlp>overview 2 Communicating Online 3 Guidelines for communicating online=GuidelinesForCommunicating@msn.hlp>overview 3 Expressing emotions and gestures=ConveyingEmotionsGestures@msnchat.hlp>overview 2 Using Chat 3 Chat overview=ChatOverview@msnchat.hlp>overview 3 Chat window=TheChatWindow@msnchat.hlp>overview 2 Using Bulletin Boards 3 Bulletin board overview=BBSOverview@msnbbs.hlp>overview 3 BBS window=BBSFilesWindow@msnbbs.hlp>overview 3 Copying files to and from a bulletin board=CopyingToFromBBSOverview@msnbbs.hlp>overview 3 Working with the file transfer queue=BBFTQ@msnbbs.hlp>overview 2 Using E-mail 3 E-mail overview=MSNAndExchange@msnmail.hlp>overview 3 Internet e-mail addressing conventions=InternetAddressConventions@msnmail.hlp>overview 2 Using the Internet 3 MSN and the Internet overview=MSNInternetFeatures @msnint.hlp>overview 3 Finding information on the Internet=HowFindOnInternet@msnint.hlp>overview 3 Returning to and sharing information =ShareInternet@msnint.hlp>overview 3 Protecting your computer and network from Internet access=IntProtect@msnint.hlp>overview 3 Restricting access to information on the Internet=RestrictAccessInternet@msnint.hlp>overview 3 Before you use Internet newsgroups=BeforeUseNewsgroups@msnint.hlp>overview 2 Definitions 3 Glossary=glossary@msn.hlp>overview 1 How To... 2 Become a Member 3 Signing up to become a member=SigningUp@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Displaying your membership agreement=ServiceAgreementOverview@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Signing up more than one member on one computer=MoreThanOne@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Troubleshooting signup and access problems=SignupProblems@msnpss.hlp>proc4 3 Viewing and Changing Member Information 4 Changing your member information=CreatingModifyingPersonalProfile@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Canceling your membership=TerminatingYourMembership@msn.hlp>proc4 4 Getting a new password if you forget yours=GetNewPassword@msnint.hlp>proc4 3 Viewing and Changing Billing Information 4 Displaying your current or previous bill=DisplayingCurrentBilling@msn.hlp>proc4 4 Requesting automatic notification of charges=NotificationOfCharges@msn.hlp>proc4 4 Viewing, changing, or canceling subscriptions=PricingPlan@msn.hlp>proc4 4 Changing your payment method or billing information=ChangingPaymentMethod@msn.hlp>proc4 4 Reporting billing errors or requesting credit=ReportingBillingErrors@msn.hlp>proc4 2 Connect to The Microsoft Network 3 Connecting to MSN=Connecting@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Troubleshooting signup and access problems=SignupProblems@msnpss.hlp>proc4 3 Changing Connection Settings 4 Changing your password=ChangingPassword 4 Changing MSN access numbers=ChangingAccessNumbers@msnint.hlp>proc4 4 Connecting via another Internet access provider=ConnectInternetAccessProv@msnint.hlp>proc4 4 Connecting via a local area network (LAN)=ConnectLAN@msnint.hlp>proc4 4 Connecting via an MSN access server=ConnectviaMSNAccSvr@msnint.hlp>proc4 4 Adding Internet access=AddInternet@msnint.hlp>proc4 4 Removing Internet access=RemoveInternet@msnint.hlp>proc4 4 Getting the latest access numbers=GettingAccessNumbers@msnint.hlp>proc4 4 Changing your modem settings=ChangingModemSettings@msn.hlp>proc4 4 Disabling call waiting=DisablingCallWaiting@msn.hlp>proc4 3 From Two Computers or Places 4 Using MSN from two computers=UsingMSNTwoComputers@msn.hlp>proc4 4 Using MSN from more than one location=UsingMSNDifferentLocations@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Disconnecting 4 Disconnecting from MSN=SigningOff@msn.hlp>proc4 4 Disconnecting from MSN automatically=SettingAutomaticDisconnect@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Connecting from Different Computers or Places 2 Find Your Way Around 3 Finding a service using the Find command=FindService@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Choosing from a category of subjects=FindingSubjects@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Going to one of your Favorite Places=GoingToFavoritePlaces@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Returning to MSN Central=DisplayingHomeWindow@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Using a shortcut to go to a service=ActivatingCallingCard@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Using a Go word to go to a service=UsingGoWords@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Exploring the Internet=IntExplore@msnint.hlp>proc4 3 Going to a specific Internet site=GoToURL@msnint.hlp>proc4 2 Organize Services You Use Frequently 3 Adding an icon to your Favorite Places folder=AddingToFavoritePlaces@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Creating a shortcut=CreatingCallingCard@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Using Internet shortcuts=IntShortcut@msnint.hlp>proc4 3 Copying or moving a shortcut=CopyingCallingCards@msn.hlp>proc4 2 Use Chat 3 Entering a chat room=EnteringAChatRoom@msnchat.hlp>proc4 3 Sending a message to a chat=ContributeToConversation@msnchat.hlp>proc4 3 Displaying information about a chat member=DisplayChatMembersProfile@msnchat.hlp>proc4 3 Customizing the Chat Window 4 Ignoring a member's messages=FilteringMembersComments@msnchat.hlp>proc4 4 Enabling or disabling notifications about other members=EnablingDisablingAnnouncements@msnchat.hlp>proc4 4 Showing or hiding spectators in the member list=ShowingHidingSpectators@msnchat.hlp>proc4 3 Saving a Record of a Chat 4 Saving a record of a chat=SavingConversation@msnchat.hlp>proc4 4 Printing a chat history=PrintConHistory@msnchat.hlp>proc4 4 Clearing a chat history=ClearingConversationsComments@msnchat.hlp>proc4 3 Tips and Tricks for Using Chat 4 Frequently asked questions about chat=FAQChat@msnpss.hlp>overview 4 Displaying details about a chat=DisplayingServicesProperties@msn.hlp>proc4 4 Restricting access to information on MSN=RestrictAccessNewsgroups@msnint.hlp>overview 4 Contacting a chat host=ContactingChatHost@msnchat.hlp>proc4 4 Reporting inappropriate online behavior=ReportingOnlineOffenses@msn.hlp>proc4 2 Use Bulletin Boards 4 Entering a bulletin board=EnteringBBS@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 3 Reading Messages 4 Opening a message=DisplayBBSMessage@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Moving between messages=NavigatingBBSThread@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Reading messages offline=ReadBBSMessageOffline@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Printing a message=PrintingBBSMessage@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Deleting a message=DeletingBBSMessage@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Changing How the Message List Looks 5 Switching views in the BBS window=ChangeBBSWindowViews@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 5 Marking messages as read or unread=MarkingIndividualArticlesReadUnread@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 5 Displaying new messages in the BBS window=DisplayCurrentMessages@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 5 Sorting messages in the BBS window=SortingBBSMessagesFiles@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 5 Expanding and collapsing conversations=ExpandingCollapsingBBSConversations@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 3 Posting and Replying to Messages 4 Composing and posting a message=ComposingPostingBBSMessage@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Composing a message offline=ComposeBBSMessageOffline@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Posting a reply to a message=ReplyingBBSMessageEMail@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Replying by e-mail to a message=ReplyingBBSMessageviaEMail@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Formatting text in a message=FormattingText@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Forwarding a message by e-mail=ForwardingBBSMessageEMail@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 3 Copying Files to and from a Bulletin Board 4 Displaying information about a file before copying it=DisplayingAttachments@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Copying files from a bulletin board=DownloadingFiles@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Copying files to a bulletin board=UploadingFiles@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Working with Files in the Transfer Queue 5 Holding files in the transfer queue=PausingFilesInQueue@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 5 Removing files in the transfer queue=RemovingFilesInQueue@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Disconnecting automatically after file transfer=TransferAutoDisconnect@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Changing Settings for the Transfer Queue 5 Changing the destination folder=ChangeDefaultFolder@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 5 Changing the compressed file options=ChangingCompressionStatusDownloading@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 5 Holding or transferring files automatically=ChangeQueueDefault@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 3 Tips and Tricks for Using Bulletin Boards 4 Frequently asked questions about bulletin boards=FAQBBS@msnpss.hlp>overview 4 Displaying details about a bulletin board=DisplayingServicesProperties@msn.hlp>proc4 4 Displaying information about message senders=DisplayBBSSenderProfile@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Using the keyboard to navigate among messages=KeyboardBBS@msnbbs.hlp>overview 4 Restricting access to information on MSN=RestrictAccessNewsgroups@msnint.hlp>overview 4 Contacting a bulletin board manager=ContactingBBSManager@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Reporting inappropriate online behavior=ReportingOnlineOffenses@msn.hlp>proc4 2 Use E-mail 3 Composing and Addressing Messages 4 Sending a message=ToSendAMessage@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Addressing a message using the address book=AddressingMessages@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Formatting text in a message=ToFormatTextInAMessage@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Inserting a file in a message=ToSendAFileWithAMessage@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Composing messages offline=GettingIntoMailCompose@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Creating a personal address book=CreatingPersonalAddressBook@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Sending E-mail over the Internet 5 Sending e-mail over the Internet=SendingMailInternet@msnmail.hlp>proc4 5 Addressing e-mail to an America Online user=AOL@msnmail.hlp>proc4 5 Addressing e-mail to a Prodigy user=Prodigy@msnmail.hlp>proc4 5 Addressing e-mail to a CompuServe user=CompuServe@msnmail.hlp>proc4 3 Receiving and Replying to Messages 4 Checking your Inbox for new e-mail=CheckingYourInbox@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Saving an attachment you receive=ToSaveAFileYouReceiveInAMessage@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Replying to a message=ToReplyToAMessage@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Forwarding e-mail=ForwardingMailYouReceive@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Reading messages offline=GettingIntoMail@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Receiving e-mail over the Internet=ReceivingMailInternet@msnmail.hlp>proc4 3 Previewing Messages 4 Previewing messages=PreviewMail@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Moving or copying messages to your computer=SelectCopyRemotePreview@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Copying all messages to your computer=TransferAllRemotePreview@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Deleting messages=DeleteMessagesRemotePreview@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Customizing e-mail download options=CustomizingMailOptions@msnmail.hlp>proc4 3 Storing and Organizing Messages 4 Creating a folder=ToCreateAFolder@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Moving or copying items=ToMoveOrCopyItemsToOtherFolders@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Deleting messages=DeletingMail@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Sorting messages=ToSortMessagesInAFolder@msnmail.hlp>proc4 3 Tips and Tricks for Using E-mail 4 Frequently asked questions about e-mail=FAQMail@msnpss.hlp>overview 4 Displaying information about an e-mail user=FindingOtherMembers@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Searching for a member while using e-mail=FindingOtherMembersUsingConditions@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Customizing e-mail download options=CustomizingMailOptions@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Reporting inappropriate online behavior=ReportingOnlineOffenses@msn.hlp>proc4 2 Use the Internet 3 Getting help with the Internet=GetHelpInternet@msnint.hlp>proc4 3 Finding, returning to and sharing information 4 Using Internet shortcuts=IntShortcut@msnint.hlp>proc4 4 Exploring the Internet=IntExplore@msnint.hlp>proc4 4 Going to a specific Internet site=GoToURL@msnint.hlp>proc4 4 Creating a collection of your favorite pages=web_collect_favorites@iexplore.hlp>proc4 4 Creating a shortcut to a page=web_create_shortcut@iexplore.hlp>proc4 4 Copying or moving a shortcut=CopyingCallingCards@msn.hlp>proc4 3 Using E-mail on the Internet 4 Sending e-mail over the Internet=SendingMailInternet@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Receiving e-mail over the Internet=ReceivingMailInternet@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Addressing e-mail to an America Online user=AOL@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Addressing e-mail to a CompuServe user=CompuServe@msnmail.hlp>proc4 4 Addressing e-mail to a Prodigy user=Prodigy@msnmail.hlp>proc4 3 Using Internet Newsgroups 4 Finding Internet newsgroups=FindNewsgroups@msnint.hlp>proc4 4 Opening a message=DisplayBBSMessage@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Moving between messages=NavigatingBBSThread@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Composing and posting a message=ComposingPostingBBSMessage@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Posting a reply to a message=ReplyingBBSMessageEMail@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 4 Replying by e-mail to a message=ReplyingBBSMessageviaEMail@msnbbs.hlp>proc4 3 Tips and Tricks for Using the Internet 4 Frequently asked questions about the Internet=FAQInternet@msnint.hlp>overview 4 Protecting your computer and network from Internet access=IntProtect@msnint.hlp>overview 4 Restricting access to information on the Internet=RestrictAccessInternet@msnint.hlp>overview 1 Tips and Tricks 2 Tips for using MSN=WinningFeatures@msn.hlp>overview 2 Managing windows while using MSN=ManageMSNWindows@msnint.hlp>proc4 2 Working offline=WorkingOffline@msn.hlp>overview 3 Restricting access to information on MSN=RestrictAccessNewsgroups@msnint.hlp>overview 3 Restricting access to information on the Internet=RestrictAccessInternet@msnint.hlp>overview 2 Frequently Asked Questions 3 Signup=FAQSignup@msnpss.hlp>overview 3 Chat=FAQChat@msnpss.hlp>overview 3 Bulletin boards=FAQBBS@msnpss.hlp>overview 3 E-mail=FAQMail@msnpss.hlp>overview 3 Internet=FAQInternet@msnint.hlp>overview 3 Shortcuts=FAQShortcuts@msnpss.hlp>overview 1 Troubleshooting 2 Signup and access problems=SignupProblems@msnpss.hlp>proc4 2 Printing problems=PTS_WHAT_WRONG@windows.hlp>proc4 2 Member support phone numbers=CustomerService@msnpss.hlp>overview 2 Upgrading The Microsoft Network 2 Upgrading MSN=MSNUpgrades@msnpss.hlp>proc4 2 Getting the latest access numbers=GettingAccessNumbers@msnint.hlp>proc4 :include w_fm.cnt